AutoGRAPH.NET Service Methods en
Версия от 16:04, 11 февраля 2016; Albina (обсуждение | вклад)
Base methods
- Login – log in and get access token
- EnumSchemas – enumerate allowed schemas
- EnumDevices – enumerate devices in schema
- EnumDrivers – enumerate drivers in schema
- EnumParameters – get schema parameters
- EnumGeoFences – enumerate geofences in schema
- GetGeoFences – get information about geofences (points, polygons, etc)
Get information from devices
- GetDevicesInfo – get information about devices in schema
- GetOnlineInfo – get device(s) last position and last date/time information
- GetOnlineInfoAll - get device(s) last position and last date/time information (for ALL devices in schema)
- GetDataRanges – get allowed data files from devices
- GetTrips – get trips information for specified device(s)
- GetTripsTotal – get only summary trips information for specified device(s)
- GetTripTables – get detailed trips information
- GetTripsCustom – get trips information with custom geofences
- GetStage – get single stage information of specified device(s)
- GetTrack – get track information (date/time/coordinates/speed/...) of specified device(s)
Access to properties
- GetProperties – get property and values list of specified device(s)
- GetProperty – get single property value of specified device(s)
Run reports
- EnumReports - get allowed reports
- GetReports - run reports and download in XML/PDF/DOCX/XLS/.../ZIP-file
- ExecuteReports - run report asynchronously
- GetReportsStatus - get report running status (for asynchronous running)
- CancelReports - cancel report creating
Get information from DDD-files (tachograph card files)
- GetCardStatistic - get information about DDD-files of specified driver card
- GetCardStatisticAll - get the list of available cards
- GetCardRecords - get information from specified driver cards
- GetCardStatByDrivers - get information from driver cards grouped by driver
- GetCardStatByVehicles - get information from driver cards grouped by vehicle
Also service supports uploading and downloading schemas from. AutoGRAPH.Pro (since 2015.8.6 version) supports working with AutoGRAPH.NET Service. Look here to get additional information.
(C#, .NET 4, Visual Studio 2013 or Visual Studio Express)
Examples with Powershell (JSON and export different information to CSV)