AutoGRAPH.NET Service GetOnlineInfo (EN)

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Get information about device last position.



Dictionary<Guid, ROnlineInfo> GetOnlineInfo(string schemaID, Guid[] deviceIDs)

deviceIDs – list of device ID's (from EnumDevices list – ID field in RGroupItem)


public class ROnlineInfo
   public Guid ID { get; set; }                // device ID
   public string Name { get; set; }            // device name
   public RPoint LastPosition { get; set; }    // point of last position or null if no data or last position unknown
   public DateTime DT { get; set; }            // UTC date and time of last position
   public ROnlineState State { get; set; }     // device state
   public double Speed { get; set; }           // speed (in KM/H)
   public double Course { get; set; }          // direction of moving  in degrees (Nord is 0 degrees) or -1 if no coordinates
   public string Address { get; set; }         // address as string of last position or null if no coordinates
   public Dictionary<string,object> Final {get; set; } // final parameters

public enum ROnlineState
   Park = 0,     // stopped
   Move = 1,     // moving
   Flight = 2    // flying

public class RPoint
   public double Lat { get; set; }     // latitude
   public double Lng { get; set; }     // longitude




If you want to pass many ID's in call - you must pass this identifiers as comma-separated.

Result: download file

AutoGRAPHNET Service GetOnlineInfo.png