AutoGRAPH.NET Service Examples en

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Download project for Visual Studio 2013/2015

Download example resulsts (.XML-files)

Download automatically generated proxy class AutoGRAPHSvc.cs

Download examples (console and WinForms):

Examples on Powershell (JSON and export to CSV)

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using AutoGRAPHService;

namespace AutoGRAPHSvcTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var svc = new AutoGRAPHSvcClient();            // create proxy class with endpoint by default

            RSchema[] schemas;
            using (var f = new TimeCalc("EnumSchemas"))    // get schema list
                schemas = svc.EnumSchemas();

            var currentSchema = schemas.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "DemoCEBIT").Name; // select one scheme DemoCEBIT

            Guid[] currentDevices = null;
            using (var f = new TimeCalc("EnumDevices"))
                var devices = svc.EnumDevices(currentSchema);
                foreach (var item in devices.Items)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t" + item.Name);
                currentDevices = devices.Items.Where(p => p.Serial == 9999999 || p.Serial == 9999998).Select(p => p.ID).ToArray(); // select only devices with serial numbers 9999998 and 9999999

            using (var f = new TimeCalc("EnumGeoFences"))  // get list of geofences

            using (var f = new TimeCalc("GetDevicesInfo"))

            using (var f = new TimeCalc("EnumParameters")) // get properties list
                svc.EnumParameters(currentSchema, currentDevices);

            using (var f = new TimeCalc("GetOnlineInfo")) // get online information
                var onlineInfo = svc.GetOnlineInfo(currentSchema, currentDevices);
                var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof (ROnlineInfo));
                foreach (var oi in onlineInfo)
                    var stm = new MemoryStream();
                    serializer.WriteObject(stm, oi.Value);
                    var fileName = "OnlineInfo_" + oi.Key + ".xml";
                    File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, stm.ToArray()); // serialize and write result to disk
                    Console.WriteLine("OnlineInfo: {0}", fileName);

            using (var f = new TimeCalc("GetTrips")) // get list of trips
                var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof (RTrips));
                var trips = svc.GetTrips(currentSchema, currentDevices, DateTime.Now.Date, DateTime.Now);
                foreach (var trip in trips)
                    var stm = new MemoryStream();
                    serializer.WriteObject(stm, trip.Value);
                    var fileName = "Trips_" + trip.Key + ".xml";
                    File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, stm.ToArray()); // serialize and write result to disk
                    Console.WriteLine("Trips: {0}", fileName);

            using (var f = new TimeCalc("GetTrack"))       // get trips for last 5 days
                var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(RTrackInfo[]));
                var tracks = svc.GetTrack(currentSchema, currentDevices, DateTime.Now.Date, DateTime.Now);
                foreach (var trip in tracks)
                    var stm = new MemoryStream();
                    serializer.WriteObject(stm, trip.Value);
                    var fileName = "Tracks_" + trip.Key + ".xml";
                    File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, stm.ToArray()); // serialize and write result to disk
                    Console.WriteLine("Tracks: {0}", fileName);

    // simple class for time measuring
    class TimeCalc : IDisposable
        readonly DateTime DT;
        readonly string name;
        internal TimeCalc(string name) { DT = DateTime.Now; = name; }
        void IDisposable.Dispose() { Console.WriteLine(name + ": " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(DT).TotalSeconds.ToString("F3", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); }

Download project for Visual Studio 2013/2015

Download example resulsts (.XML-files)

Download automatically generated proxy class AutoGRAPHSvc.cs

Download examples (console and WinForms):

Examples on Powershell (JSON and export to CSV)

By default will use HTTP binding.