AutoGRAPH.NET Service EnumParameters (EN)

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Get list of parameters for one or many devices. Unavailable devices don't included in result set.



Dictionary<Guid,RParameters> EnumParameters(string schemaID, Guid[] deviceIDs)

deviceIDs – list of device IDs for request parameters (ID of devices can be read by EnumDevices – field ID in RGroupItem class)


public class RParameters
   public Guid ID { get; set; }                     // device ID
   public RParameter[] FinalParams { get; set; }    // final (total) parameters
   public RParameter[] OnlineParams { get; set; }   // online (tabular) parameters

public class RParameter
   public string Name { get; set; }                 // name (internal name, for example: Daylight, Speed, ...)
   public string Caption { get; set; }              // caption (user friendly caption like "Day lighting", "Car speed", ...)
   public string GroupName { get; set; }            // group name (parameter can grouped by group name)
   public ReturnType ReturnType { get; set; }       // data type
   public string Unit { get; set; }                 // unit of measure (km/h, kg, tn, ...)
   public string Format { get; set; }               // format string of parameter value (dd.MM.yyyy, ...)
   public RParameterStatus[] Statuses { get; set; } // list of parameter statuses (for switching parameters)
                                                    // for example: parameter Motion have three statuses - Park, Motion, Flight

public class RParameterStatus
   public int Value { get; set; }                   // ordinal value of status
   public string Caption { get; set; }              // user friendly status caption
   public Guid ReferenceID { get; set; }            // if status is Geofence/Driver/Implement - here will ID of element
   public Guid[] ReferenceIDs { get; set; }         // if geofence configured with overlapping detection - here will list of all intersected geofences (maximum overlapping level is 4)

// parameter data types
public enum ReturnType : int
    Boolean = 0,
    Byte = 1,
    Int32 = 2,
    Int64 = 3,
    Double = 4,
    DateTime = 5,
    TimeSpan = 6,
    Guid = 7,
    Guid4 = 8,
    String = 9,
    Image = 10,
    Coordinates = 11



  • Demo - schema ID
  • 2682e6d3-5055-4a3b-b9c8-0b723c57512a and 9c60db53-5054-44f6-a708-8e3c9b62553f - ID of devices from schema Demo. Device ID is comma-separated.

Result: download file

Parameters in AutoGRAPH.Pro:
AutoGRAPHNET Service EnumParametersAG.png