AutoGRAPH.NET Service GetTrack (EN)

Материал из TK
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Возвращает треки по запрошенным ТС за период.



Dictionary<Guid, RTrackInfo[]> GetTrack(string schemaID, Guid[] deviceIDs, DateTime SD, DateTime ED, int tripSplitterIndex)
  • schemaID – schema ID
  • deviceIDs – device list, acquired by EnumDevices – field ID in RGroupItem class
  • SD / ED – start and end of period for request. Server local time.
  • tripSplitterIndex - index of trip splitter or -1 if no trip splitting need


public class RTrackInfo
   public int Index { get; set; }      // track index (started from 0) of each trip
   public DateTime[] DT { get; set; }  // UTC date/time of point
   public double[] Speed { get; set; } // speeds in points
   public double[] Lat { get; set; }   //   length of arrays DT, Speed, Lat and Lng always equal
   public double[] Lng { get; set; }   //




Date/time must be specified in yyyyMMdd or yyyyMMdd-HHmm format Device IDs is comma-separated.

Result: download file

AutoGRAPHNET Service GetTrack.png