AutoGRAPH.NET Service GetTrips (EN)

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Get trips of device(s) for period.



Dictionary<Guid,RTrips> GetTrips(string schemaID, Guid[] deviceIDs, DateTime SD, DateTime ED)
  • schemaID – schema ID
  • deviceIDs – device ID list (from EnumDevices – ID field in RGroupItem class)
  • SD / ED – date/time of start and end period. Date/time must be local.


public class RTrips
   public Guid ID { get; set; }               // device ID
   public string Name { get; set; }           // device name
   public RTrip[] Trips { get; set; }         // trips
   public Dictionary<string,object> Total { get; set; } // final data

public class RTrip
   public int Index { get; set; }             // trip index, starting from 0
   public DateTime SD { get; set; }           // UTC date/time of trip start
   public DateTime ED { get; set; }           // UTC date/time of trip end
   public RPoint PointStart { get; set; }     // location of trip start
   public RPoint PointEnd { get; set; }       // location of trip end
   public RTripStage[] Stages { get; set; }   // trip stages (fuel, geofeofences, sensors switching, etc)
   public Dictionary<string,object> Total { get; set; } // trips parameters (=columns)

public class RTripStage // trip stage (fuel pumping, stops, geofences, etc)
   public string Name { get; set; }                      // internal stage name (for example, Stops for stops and GeoFence1 for geofences)
   public string[] Params { get; set; }                  // list of columns in stage - for example "Motion", "Daylight", "Speed", "Speed Avg" 
   public RTripStageItem[] Items { get; set; }           // rows(=items) of stage
   public RParameterStatus[] Statuses { get; set; }      // list of available statuses for this stage ("Flight", "Stopped", "Motion" for "Motion" stage for example)
   public Dictionary<string,object> Total { get; set; }  // final data for stage (=summary data for all items)

public class RTripStageItem
   public int Index { get; set; }                      // stage item index, starting from 0
   public DateTime SD { get; set; }                    // UTC date/time of item start
   public DateTime ED { get; set; }                    // UTC date/time of item end
   public int Status { get; set; }                     // status ID (0 = of status (or between switchings), >0 = index of status in Statuses RTripStage.field)
   public Guid StatusID { get; set; }                  // ID of geofence (if stage for geofence)
   public Guid[] StatusIDs { get; set; }               // ID of additional geofences (if schema has overlapped geofences and device in some geofences in one time)
   public string Caption { get; set; }                 // UI friendly status name (Move, Park, ...), geofence name, driver first/last name, ...
   public object[] Values { get; set; }                // values for columns (count and order of columns is same of RTripStage.Params)

Returned data matching with AutoGRAPH.NET:





Date/time must be passed in yyyyMMdd-HHmm format
If you want pass many device IDs - you must pass this ID's as comma-separated.

Result: download file

AutoGRAPHNET Service GetTrips.png