Dark Underarm Treatments That Are Proven To Whiten Your Dark Armpits
Stop feeling ashamed and start doing something about it. It is not your fault that your armpits are looking dark, and it is not because you are dirty or that you are not practicing proper hygiene. You probably have been scrubbing your armpits, to the point of hurting yourself, and maybe you are realizing that scrubbing as hard as you possibly can is not going to get you anywhere.
You have also probably noticed that skin lightening lotions or creams have not given you the results that you have been hoping for. After spending hundreds of dollars and after all that trial and error you are still sitting with dark armpits.
The truth is, you do not need to spend another dollar to lighten your underarms. Everything you need to start feeling confident again to start wearing your sleeveless tops is right under your roof.
Dark underarm treatment for you to try at home:
Get hold of some honey, milk powder and some lime juice. Mix these three ingredients into a paste and apply on your armpits. Leave them on for at least 20 minutes before you wash it off.
If you use this treatment twice every day, you will notice a change in your armpits in weeks. If you do not have the honey or the milk powder, just stick with the lime juice. It will improve your skin even if you use just the lime, just make sure that you are using real lime juice.
You also need to stop shaving your armpits and resort to waxing instead. This way, you ensure that the whole hair strand is removed instead of leaving some hairs under the skin.
Also take note of the kind of deodorant and shaving cream that you are using. Your armpits may be responding to the chemicals that are used in their manufacture. Opt for natural deodorants that your skin won't react to.
These dark underarms treatments work and you pay next how to Whiten underarms fast nothing.