Principles Of Quality In Landscape Design
Just as artists and writers get a thrill of creation, so do those who create gardens and landscapes. As these creators can tell you, it's best to make your plan before you start work on your landscape design Melbourne.
Consider unusual materials. Wrought iron is a common choice for pool fencing, but it's not your only option. You can make your pool area more visually interesting by choosing a unique material, such as glass block, tempered glass, or a rock wall. However, if there are pool fencing laws where you live, make sure that whatever fencing material you choose meets your local fencing requirements. You can look online or in landscape design books for additional fencing ideas.
Tower. You have to consider if you want a 60 foot tower or a small garden design that is only a few feet tall... or something in between. The higher the tower, the more wind it will be able to harness.
Other types of perennials do well in the same beds with bulbs. If the foliage is pretty bulbs can be left in place or, after they have flowered, the foliage can be trimmed away. With good planning you can keep color until late fall with plants such as mums. Canna Lilies are not bulbs, but they are beautiful and quite tall and bloom throughout much of the hottest parts of summer. They are slower to come up and take much longer to reach their full height. Bulbs mixed with cannas stagger the blooming and keep an area interesting.
One particularly great herb kit idea is the garden in a bag which is supplied in either brown paper or silver foil bags. You can choose the herbs or flowers you want to grow - and they grow right there in the bag. Your gardening friends won`t fail to be impressed! Herbs that may successfully be grown in this way include lavender, basil, onion chives and garlic chives, feathery dill, oregano, Italian parsley, mint, sage and thyme. Kits come packed in the leak-proof bag with a "soil wafer" and seeds. All you have to do is to mix in the seeds and add the required amount of water. What could be easier? And what could be more fun?
Know what grows in your region. When you see the wide variety of seed packets offered online, it is easy to get sucked into the idea of growing everything and anything! Only some of them may flourish in your regional environment, although in reality. Study up on your region and what crops can survive.
Of course you can even put your own herb kit together for a friend or member of your family. Depending on the number of herbs you are going to include, choose a container. Then either buy a selection of seeds (you can buy packets of mixed herbs seed if you wish) or a few different seedlings. Select the growing media you want - it can be a good quality potting soil or another organic media - and get some small stones for inside the base of the pot. Make labels for the herbs and, if your budget allows, add gardening gloves and a trowel to the kit. Don`t plant the herbs otherwise it won`t be a kit any longer! Display everything in the container and tie a bright colorful ribbon around it. You might even decide to splurge and include a book on growing herbs with your homemade kit.